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School Hours

This information can also be found in section 6 of the school prospectus. 



Start of morning session 8.45 am
Lunch Break 11.30 [full time places only]
End of morning session – 11.45
Start of afternoon session 12.25 pm
End of School 3.25 pm
Outdoor play throughout the day



Start of morning session – Autumn term is 8.45 am, from January onwards we have an 8.45-8.55 am drop-off window – lessons start at 8.55 am
Morning Break 10.15 am – 10.30 am
Lunch Break 11.30
Start of afternoon session 12.30 pm
End of School 3.25 pm
Outdoor play throughout the day


Year 1-3:

Start of morning session - children can be dropped off between 8.45 and 8.55 am, lessons start at 8.55 am
Morning Break 10.15 am – 10.30 am
Lunch Break 12.00
Start of afternoon session 1.00 pm
Afternoon break – 2.10 pm
End of School - 3.25 pm


Year 4-6:

Start of morning session - children can be dropped off between 8.45 and 8.55 am, lessons start at 8.55 am.
Morning Break 10.35 am – 10.50am
Lunch Break 12.20 pm
Start of afternoon session - 1.20 pm
Afternoon break - 2.25 pm
End of School - 3.30 pm


Total hours per week:

Children from reception to year 3 have a 32 hour and 30 minutes week (32.5 hours). Due to the staggered exit at the end of the day, years 4-6 have slightly longer, a 32 hour and 55 min week (32.91 hours).


Addendance and punctuality:

Good attendance and timekeeping are vital to ensure that children settle into school well and access all of their learning opportunities to ensure they fulfill their potential. The Punctuality and Attendance Policy is available on the school website. Children who arrive after 8.55 a.m. will be marked as late; children arriving after the gates have been closed must be signed in by their parent/carer at the school office. If there are occasional unavoidable delays in collecting children at the end of the day then children will wait at the school office to be collected – we would appreciate a phone call notifying us of the delay. The school gates are opened at 8.40 am and a member of staff comes on duty at 8.45 am. School will not accept responsibility for pupils until a member of staff is on duty. Younger children should not be left unaccompanied by an adult.


Navigation Primary School

Hawarden Road



WA14 1NG

Contact Mrs Turner

0161 912 5937


'Working Together. Learning Together.'