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PE & Sports Premium Grant

The government is continuing to provide additional funding to improve the provision of physical education and sport in primary schools. This funding is direct to schools to be spent with the following aims:

• Increasing participation rates in such activities as games, dance, gymnastics, swimming and athletics.
• Increasing participation and success in competitive school sports.
• Making the physical education curriculum more inclusive.
• Expanding the growth in the range of traditional and alternative sporting activities.
• Improving partnership work on physical education with other schools and other local partners.
• Finding links with other subjects that contribute to pupils’ overall achievement and their greater social, spiritual, moral and cultural skills.
• Making pupils more aware of the dangers of obesity, smoking and other such activities that undermine pupils’ health.

By clicking on the button below you can find out more about how we have used this grant at Navigation and how we plan to use this year's allocation.


Our vision is that every child has the opportunity to take part in physical activity, through a broad and balanced curriculum. We provide opportunities to develop fundamental skills, life skills; such as confidence and resilience to ensure all pupils are physically confident and competent. We hope that through the opportunities on offer at our school that the children will develop a love for sport and that when they leave school, they understand the importance of a healthy and active lifestyles. 

Sport leaders 

In years 3-6, children are given the opportunity to become sports leaders. These children take part in some training, in which they focus on the key areas of leadership; participants area, communication and equipment. Throughout the school year they are given opportunities to put their leadership skills into practice; supporting at sports days, running intra/inter-form events and running small target groups. It is great to see the leaders grow in confidence throughout their leadership journey, learning the importance of communication, organisation, team work, resilience, perseverance and a respect for rules.  


At Navigation, we offer a wide range of physically active clubs; before, during and after school that cater to varied interests and age ranges. Following pupil questionnaires, we try to ensure there are different sporting and active clubs rotated throughout the year to give children opportunities to try different clubs. We often have assemblies from new clubs to inspire them to try something new or develop their existing talents further. Our clubs are updated on a termly basis, check out our extra-curricular page for more details about what is on offer this term 

In addition to the extra-curricular offer, we aim to provide opportunities for as many children as possible to have the chance to represent our school. We enter a wide range of competitions from the regular features, for example, boys' and girls' football tournaments, local hockey league, dodgeball to multi-skills festivals and orienteering events. We also arrange friendly matches with other local schools, utilising our leaders to help run these events. At Navigation, we ensure that there’s opportunities for all children to represent our school and enter Inclusion festivals, disability football events and the Pantathlon challenge. We aim to provide experiences that the children will remember, ensuring that all children demonstrate the sports values at each event. Every time we enter a competition, the result and a short commentary is listed in our weekly newsletter and shared on twitter. 


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Navigation Primary School

Hawarden Road



WA14 1NG

Contact Mrs Turner

0161 912 5937


'Working Together. Learning Together.'